Notes Forming Part of the Consolidated Financial Statements

For the year ended 31 December 2019

39. Company profit for the period

The profit attributable to equity shareholders dealt with in the Financial Statements of the Company was €6.5 million (2018: €47.8 million). In accordance with section 304 of the Companies Act 2014, the Company is availing of the exemption from presenting its individual Income Statement to the Annual General Meeting and from filing it with the Registrar of Companies.

Company Auditors’ remuneration:



Audit of the entity financial statements



Other assurance services



Tax advisory services





Disclosure of Directors’ emoluments as required by Section 305 of the Companies Act 2014, is given in the Report of the Remuneration Committee on pages 90 to 103 and is included within the financial statements by way of a cross reference.

There were no employees in the Company during the financial year ended 31 December 2019 (2018: nil). Costs of €4.3 million (2018: €4.4 million) were recharged to the Company from subsidiary companies in relation to management services.