Consolidated Income Statement

for the financial year ended 31 December 2019

Notes 2019
Revenue 4 357.4 330.2
Depreciation and amortisation 9 (36.8) (22.1)
Employee benefits expense 5 (23.8) (22.8)
Other operating expenses 9 (246.8) (239.0)
50.0 46.3
Non-trading item 10 14.9 13.7
Operating profit 64.9 60.0
Finance income 6 0.1 0.2
Finance costs 7 (3.5) (1.0)
Profit before tax 61.5 59.2
Income tax expense 8 (1.3) (1.4)
Profit for the financial year: all attributable to equity holders of the parent 9 60.2 57.8
Earnings per share – expressed in euro cent per share
Basic 12 31.7c 30.4c
Diluted 12 31.5c 30.2c