54. Contingent liabilities
The Company is a participating employer in the Merchant Navy Officer Pension Fund (MNOPF), a multi-employer defined benefit pension scheme. The MNOPF is closed to future accrual. Under the rules of the fund all employers are jointly and severally liable for any past service deficit of the fund. The last notification from the trustees showed that the Company’s share of any deficit would be 0.51%. Should other participating employers’ default on their obligations, the Company will be required to absorb a larger share of the scheme deficit. If the Company were to terminate their obligations to the fund, voluntarily or otherwise, the Company may incur a statutory debt under Section 75 of the United Kingdom Pensions Act 1995 amended by the Pensions Act 2004. The calculation of such statutory debt is prescribed in legislation and is on a different basis from the current deficit calculations. This would likely be a greater amount than the net position included in these financial statements and the Directors consider that this amount is not quantifiable unless and until such an event occurs.
In the ordinary course of business the Company is exposed to legal proceedings from various sources including employees, customers, suppliers and regulatory authorities. It is the opinion of the Directors that losses, if any, arising in connection with these matters will not be materially in excess of provisions made in the financial statements.
The Company acts as guarantor to lending arrangements concluded by certain of its subsidiaries. The Company has also guaranteed the liabilities and commitments of its Irish subsidiaries for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 pursuant to the provision of Section 357 of the Companies Act 2014. The Company has treated these guarantees as insurance arrangements and each contract is treated as a contingent liability until as such time it becomes probable that the Company will be required to make a payment under the guarantee. The Company has carried out review based on the latest financial information available regarding these subsidiaries, all of which are in a net asset position, and assessed that as at 31 December 2019 it was not probable that the Company would be required to make a payment under any of these guarantees. Details of the Company’s principal subsidiaries have been included in note 42.