Eamonn Rothwell
Chief Executive Officer
Eamonn Rothwell, aged 66, has been a Director for 35 years having been appointed as a non-executive Director in 1987 and subsequently to the position of Chief Executive Officer in 1992. He is also a Director of Interferry European Office A.I.S.B.L. He is a former Director of The United Kingdom Mutual War Risks Association Limited, Interferry Inc and The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Bermuda) Limited. He is a past executive Director of former stockbrokers NCB Group, now part of Tilman Brewin Dolphin. Prior to that, he worked with Allied Irish Banks plc and Fáilte Ireland (The Irish Tourist Board).

David Ledwidge
FCA, BSc (Mgmt)
Chief Financial Officer
David Ledwidge, aged 42, was appointed to the Board in March 2016. David joined the Group in 2006 from professional services firm Deloitte where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He has held various financial positions within the Group, including Group Risk Accountant and Finance Director of Irish Ferries. He was appointed to his current role as Group Chief Financial Officer in May 2015.

Andrew Sheen
MSc, BEng(Hons), CEng, FIMarEST, FRINA.
Managing Director – Ferries Division
Andrew Sheen, aged 50, a Chartered Engineer, has been involved in shipping for over 30 years and has worked with Irish Ferries in a variety of operational roles for over 15 years. He re-joined ICG from the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency and has been a Director of Irish Ferries since 2013. He was appointed to his current role as Managing Director of the Ferries Division in March 2015. He is currently President of the Irish Chamber of Shipping and is a Director of the International Chamber of Shipping.

Declan Freeman
Managing Director - Container and Terminal Division
Declan Freeman, aged 46, joined the Group in 1999 from professional services firm Deloitte where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He has worked in a number of financial and general management roles in the Group up to his appointment as Managing Director of Eucon in 2011. He was appointed to his current role as Managing Director of the Container and Terminal Division in 2012.